1.          INTRODUCTION

This document provides the guidelines for candidates intending to take the registration examinations of the Medical and Dental Council, Ghana (MDCG).

In line with the Council’s Notice (reference Policy on Training of Ghanaian Medical and Dental Students in Other Jurisdictions, p5, para 1.5.1 (viii), April, 2019) to medical and dental schools and stakeholders about it policy to have a Common National Licensing Examination for both local and foreign-trained doctors by 2025, this guidance relates to both categories of practitioners with the necessary modifications.


2.1       General Duty Medical or Dental Practitioners

There are two stages to the registration examination. Stage 1 is a theory paper with multiple choice questions format examination, with 200 single best answer questions out of four options. Stage 2 is a practical objective structured clinical examination (hereinafter referred to OSCE). You will need to pass both stages of the registration examination before you can apply for registration with a licence to practise medicine or dentistry in Ghana.

2.2       Specialists

It is an oral examination involving, at least, two specialists in your field of specialty. Kindly take note that Council has plans to introduce a full clinical examination for specialists in the near future and you will be kept informed of progress towards those ends.

2.3       Special Examination Candidates

It consists of an oral examination involving, at least, two specialists, including a senior member of the examination coordination team practitioner. For further and better particulars refer to Appendix A below.


Before you can take the registration examination of MDCG, you will need to fill out an application form on our website and upload the originals or certified true copies of your medical or dental qualification from an institution that is recognised by MDCG, transcripts, passport-sized photographs, passport (for Ghanaian nationals to satisfy Council that the training was not acquired through an online medical programme), current Curriculum Vitae/Resume, certificate used in applying for the medical or dental school (e.g. WASSCE/A-level, IB, etc. to satisfy Council that you had the requisite background to study medicine or dentistry in the first place- reference is made to Council’s Policy on Training of Ghanaian Medical and Dental Students in Other Jurisdictions P4 para 1.5.1 (ii)).

If you are a candidate who has not practised before or a freshly qualified candidate, you must show that your qualification was otherwise registrable in the country of training. If you were already practising then you will be required to provide a certificate of good standing and a current licence to practise from your last professional regulator.

If you are a non-Ghanaian national you will be required to also provide resident permit, a work permit or show that you are otherwise permitted to engage in gainful employment in Ghana. Your information will be verified, and if it meets our requirements, you may book your place and choose the particular examination you wish to sit.

If you are a specialist you may in addition appear before Council’s Credentials Committee as part of the requirements for a confirmation of whether your credentials as submitted meet the minimum requirements for specialist training in Ghana. And if so, whether you should be examined at the membership or fellowship level. This is important to ensure that prospective candidates are fairly examined and placed on the appropriate level on Council’s specialist register. For further information on specialist registration kindly refer to Council’s Policy on the Specialist Register.

Be informed that all documents in languages other than English should be translated to English before submission to Council.


Before granting professional licence to a foreign trained doctor or dentist, the Council needs to ensure that the doctor or dentist possesses the requisite professional knowledge, skills, abilities and core competencies necessary for safe medical and dental practice in Ghana.

The foreign trained doctor or dentist, must therefore, prove his/her possession of the requisite competencies, skills, knowledge, and abilities of a practitioner by passing Council’s registration examination. This requirement is in keeping with Section 27 (c) of Part II of the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act, 2013, (Act 857) which provides that the Council “shall conduct examinations for the registration of foreign trained medical and dental practitioners and physician Assistants”.

It is important for candidates to note that passing the registration examination only grants the licensed practitioner the needed legal permission to practise in Ghana. It does not guarantee the offer of a job.

Practitioners interested in working in the public health sector in Ghana may wish to contact the Ministry of Health for firsthand information on job opportunities in Ghana per the address below:

The Director

Human Resources for Health Development

Ministry of Health

P. O. Box M44


Tel/Fax: +233 302 674393/ 684250


The Medical and Dental Council, Ghana through the Court of Examiners defines the standard required to pass the examination in the following terms:

5.1    Practitioners Taking the Registration Examinations as General Duty Practitioners

  1. Stage 1 (Theory): the successful candidate must obtain or achieve a minimum of a pass; that is a score of 50% in the multiple-choice examination to qualify for the Stage 2 (OSCE) component of the examination.
  2. Stage 2 (Clinical): the successful candidate must obtain or achieve a minimum of a pass; that is a score of 50% in the OSCE component of the examination.
  3. The successful candidate must therefore obtain or achieve a minimum score of 50% in the overall examination (both at stages 1 & 2) to pass the registration examination.

5.2    Practitioners taking the Registration Examinations Specialists

For the practitioners taking the registration examinations at the level of specialist (membership and fellowship levels) the standard required to pass the oral examination is achieving a minimum of 60%.

5.3    Practitioners taking Council’s Special Examinations

For practitioners sitting the Council’s Special Registration Examinations, the standard required to pass is achieving a score of at least 50%.


Before admission into the examinations.

6.1    General Duty Practitioners

         Candidates must

  1. have completed medical or dental training from a recognised institution and yet to do internship or
  2. have completed internship, where applicable (for candidates in the medical officer or dental officer category of applicants).

6.2    Practitioners with Specialist Qualifications

Candidates must in addition possess specialist training qualifications from recognised institutions and must have practised as specialists in their countries of training or must show that the specialist qualifications were registrable in their countries of training. 

6.3    Practitioners Taking the Special Examination

         Candidates must in addition provide evidence of long practice experience.


Candidates would be required to provide proof of qualification (i.e. final diploma/certificate awarded and detailed transcript of the academic record) at the time of submitting application forms for the registration examinations. Candidates shall provide clear evidence of primary medical or dental qualification in the form of:

  1. A certificate from the medical or dental degree awarding university or other body, that granted the primary medical or dental qualification stating the date on which the certificate was awarded.
  2. A certificate from the awarding university or other body, with appropriate dates, stating the candidate completed the course of study and is eligible to receive the qualification so awarded.

All certificates shall bear the university’s official stamp, insignia or evidence of authenticity, and should be signed by a person whose name and official position are clearly identified.


You are to take note that any related document(s), which is (are) not in English language must be accompanied by a translation, certified in English as authentic copy by an official or recognised professional translator. The translation must be of the original version.


9.1    General Practitioners

         Category consists of two (2) stages:

  • Stage 1

Theory:  Made up of 200 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) testing competencies in basic sciences, para-clinical sciences, and the clinical sciences respectively, and

  • Stage 2

Clinical: Made up of 12 unmanned stations and a total of 19 stations comprising 17 manned stations and 2 rest stations of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Each manned station will have two (2) examiners giving a total of 34 examiners for the manned stations. The unmanned stations will be administered a day prior to the commencement of the manned OSCE.

Please refer to Appendix A for details.

9.2    Specialist Practitioners

Category consists of oral examination in the candidate’s general specialty area, specific sub-specialty area (if applicable), ethics, and professional conduct.

9.3    Special Examination

This category is strictly for senior practitioners who are Ghanaian citizens or nationals aged 65 years and above, wishing to return home to practise in Ghana. The special registration examination consists of an oral examination with, at least, two (2) consultants including a senior practitioner or a senior member of the examination coordination team.  


  1. The following may be granted exemptions from taking the REGISTRATION EXAMINATION:
  2. Specialists holding certificates from the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons, the West African Postgraduate Colleges, and other Colleges as may be from time to time determined by the Council.
  3. Practitioners engaged by Medical or Dental Schools or the Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ghana
  • Practitioners applying for limited registration for three (3) months or less
  1. Practitioners who are very distinguished in their fields of practice and determined by the Council to possess some special competencies, skills, and knowledge and are seeking to support high level training, research, or service delivery in Ghana and the Council has determined that exemption is in the public interest.
  2. All categories of candidates who qualify for exemptions must demonstrate knowledge of the English language. Candidates must have at least a pass in GCE /SSSCE/ WASSCE English Language or equivalent level or provide documentary evidence of any approved English Language examination test(s) taken previously.

PLEASE NOTE THAT a foreign trained practitioner who renders service only for the staff of a foreign embassy or diplomatic mission is exempt from registration and licensure requirements.

11.    PASS MARK

11.1 General Duty Practitioners

As stated earlier under 5 above, an overall score of at least 50% is required to pass the registration examination by general duty practitioners. For the avoidance f doubt, a candidate must pass (that is achieve a score of at least 50%) the stage 1 (theory; multiple choice questions (MCQ)) component in order to be eligible for the stage 2 (Clinical; objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)) component. A candidate must pass (that is achieve a score of at least 50%) the OSCE examination and in addition pass the overall registration examination (that is achieve and overall score of at least 50%) to pass the registration examination.

11.2 Practitioners taking the Special Examination

Candidates taking the special examinations must obtain a minimum score of 50% to pass the examination.

11.3 Practitioners with Specialist taking Specialist Examinations

For candidates taking Council’s registration examinations at the Specialist level (Membership and Fellowship levels), a minimum score of 60% is required to pass the examination.


The Medical and Dental Council, Ghana may issue official letters of introduction at a fee for candidates who qualify to take the examinations upon request, to enable them to undertake some clinical attachments in accredited healthcare facilities or institutions in Ghana prior to sitting the examinations. Candidates should note that while these clinical attachments are currently free in many institutions, these may attract fees from the host facilities or institutions depending on the policies of the host facilities or institutions.


13.1 Application Forms

  1. Application forms can be downloaded from the Council’s website or hard copies may be obtained from the Training and Education Unit at the Council. These forms should be filled in the manner as may be from time to time advised by the Training and Education Unit of Council and submitted together with the other required documents for processing.
  2. You will normally apply for entry into REGISTRATION EXAMINATION under the name on your certificate or other evidence of qualification. If you apply to be registered under a name that is different from the name on your certificate or other evidence of qualification, you must provide proof to that effect.
  3. The following documentary evidence will be accepted:
  4. A certificate from the university or other approved body, which granted your primary medical or dental qualification confirming that you are one and the same person to whom the qualification was awarded. The name under which you were granted and the different name by which you now wish to be known and called must both be shown in full on the certificate, or
  5. A gazette showing that the name change had been effected in accordance with law. Where the name change was by virtue of marriage, the relevant marriage certificate must be attached as evidence of a change of name due to marriage.


Information on the current fees for the registration examination can be obtained from the Council Secretariat. A fee paid is neither refundable nor transferrable. Fees paid in the form of a cheque or bank draft must be in the name of the Medical and Dental Council, Ghana and paid into the appropriate Account of the Council. All fees paid to the Council are to be receipted and copies or evidence of such payment presented to the Accounts office of Council for the issue of official receipts.


Completed examination application forms (with the relevant supporting documents) may be submitted online, or in person, or by registered courier delivery to:

The Registrar,

Medical and Dental Council,

P. O. Box AN 10586

MDC House, Adjabeng, Accra-Ghana.

Once accepted and processed, the Council’s Secretariat will send an admission letter to the candidate into the registration examinations.

Do take note that applications will not be accepted once the advertised closing date has elapsed.


All examinations are taken in Ghana. Normally, three (3) examinations are held each year. Candidates should however note that these numbers may be varied by Council subject to the exigencies of each year.

The dates for each examination will be advertised on Council’s website. Candidates are to note that the details of the venue and time are communicated alongside each candidate’s unique identification number in the admission letters for the MDC registration examinations.  


A candidate who wishes to withdraw from the examination must notify the office of the Registrar at least 28 days prior to the examination date. Failure to do so will result in the candidate being marked as absent for that particular examination and a forfeiture of the registration fees or a request to have the fees credited to the next examination.  


Should some exceptional circumstances oblige the Council to postpone or cancel the examinations, or invalidate the results of the examinations already conducted, candidates will be re-entered for another examination. The conduct of this examination shall be at the cost of the Council. The Council will however not be liable for any other cost(s).


  1. Experts from various medical and dental specialties mark and score candidates’ examination scripts in Ghana according to approved standardised marking schemes developed and provided for each examination.
  2. Each candidate’s script is marked independently by not less than TWO examiners, working as part of a marking panel. Where appropriate (for example, where there remains an unresolved difference of opinion between the original examiners), a more senior examiner gets requested to mark the script before the candidate’s score is finalised. Consequently, and in accordance with settled professional practice there is no remarking and a request for remarking will not be honoured.

20.       FAILURE

A candidate who has been unsuccessful at his or her first attempt at the examination may make only four further attempts. A candidate who fails the fourth attempt will be advised to enroll in a special medical or dental training programme in Ghana for a year before a fifth and final attempt. A candidate who fails on the fifth attempt shall not be eligible for Council’s registration examinations.

A candidate who has been unsuccessful at the first and second attempts at the registration examinations will be required to undertake mandatory clinical attachment for twenty weeks and twenty-four weeks respectively. The rationale is to support the candidates to upgrade their knowledge and skills through the issuance of an attachment letter to an approved institution before admission to subsequent examinations. Upon completion of the clinical attachment, a comprehensive official report from the institution on the candidate is required before the second and third attempts are made respectively.

A candidate who fails to submit a report on the attachment shall not be allowed to take the subsequent examinations.


Tel Nos: +233 302 661606 / 661620. Fax:  +233 302 661626 Email: [email protected]


The Registrar

Medical And Dental Council, Ghana             

P.O. Box AN 10586


Tel: +233 302 661620

          +233 302 661606

Fax:+233 302 661626

Emails:     [email protected]

                    [email protected]

                    [email protected]


The Director

Human Resource for Health Development

Ministry Of Health

P.O. Box M44


Tel: +233 302 674393 / 684250

The Director General

Ghana Health Service



Accra Tel: +233 302 661354



1.          INTRODUCTION

The Medical and Dental Council, Ghana (MDCG) Clinical Examination is an integrated multidisciplinary structured clinical assessment in both medicine and dentistry. In Medicine it assesses clinical skills in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Community Health. In Dentistry it assesses clinical skills In Restorative Dentistry, Oral Medicine/Oral Pathology, Oral Surgery, Orthodontics/Paedodontics, Periodontics and Community Dentistry. It also assesses ability to communicate with patients, their families and other health workers and professional medical ethics.

The MDC registration examination process is designed to assess the relevant knowledge and clinical skills of medical and dental graduates from accredited training institutions worldwide.  The process provides a comprehensive test of medical/dental knowledge and clinical competence aimed at ensuring safe practice by the medical doctors and dentists upon passing these examinations.

There shall be two stages of the registration examination for both the medicine and dentistry examinations. The first stage will be a theory, made up of multiple-choice questions (MCQ), and the second stage, a clinical examination using the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) format.

Both the theory and clinical components of the examination are multidisciplinary and integrated covering applied basic sciences, paraclinical sciences and the relevant clinical sciences in medicine or dentistry.

A candidate will have to obtain a pass mark (a score of 50%) at STAGE 1 (Theory Examination) to be eligible to take STAGE 2 (Clinical Examination).

Please see section 5 below.


The theory examination will focus on candidates having the requisite knowledge and understanding of applied basic, paraclinical and clinical sciences across all disciplines in medicine and dentistry, respectively. It will additionally test candidates’ understanding of disease processes, clinical examination skills, diagnosis, investigation, therapeutics and overall management. It will also assess the candidates’ ability to exercise judgment and reasoning in distinguishing between the correct answer and plausible alternatives.

The theory aspects of the examination shall consist of 200 Single Best Answer (SBA) MCQs administered in two (2) sessions on the same day for both medicine and dentistry candidates. Each session will have 100 MCQs administered over a two (2) hour period, with a 30 minute break in between the sessions.


The general objective of the MDC’s clinical examination is to assess the clinical competence of the candidate for the safe and effective clinical practice of medicine or dentistry in Ghana.  The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) formats will be used for the clinical examination throughout.

The clinical examination will assess the candidate’s capacity in such areas as history taking, physical examination, diagnoses formulation, ordering and interpretation of investigations, clinical management, prescribing, ability to carry out simple clinical procedures and communication with patients, their families and other healthcare workers.

Generally, the clinical examination for both medicine and dentistry will consist of twelve (12) stations for investigations and interpretations and a total of nineteen (19) manned stations comprising 17 manned active stations and 2 rest (inactive) stations of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Each manned station will have two (2) examiners giving a total of 34 examiners for the manned stations. The unmanned stations will be administered a day prior to the commencement of the manned OSCE.

  1. For Medical candidates, there will be nineteen (19) stations, seventeen (17) manned active stations (at which the candidate must perform tasks or activities), and two (2) rest (inactive) stations (at which no activity will be performed). The active stations shall comprise three (4) stations each for Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and one (1) station for Community Health.
  2. For Dental candidates, there shall be four (4) stations for restorative dentistry, two (2) stations each for oral medicine, oral pathology, oral surgery, orthodontics, community dentistry and three (3) stations for paedodontics/periodontics. There shall be two (2) rest stations.
  3. For both the medical and dental OSCE/OSPE, each station will last 10 minutes. Generally, seven (7) minutes of this time will be for performance of an activity or task and three (3) minutes for interaction with the examiners. However, this time allocation within the maximum 10-minute per station may differ slightly from time to time depending on the scenario set for the station.
  4. Stations may use actual patients, standardised patients, or role-playing patients, manikins, instruments, images, prescriptions, data interpretation etc. Candidates are advised to regard the role-playing patients as real patients and treat them accordingly.
  5. Scoring will be uniform for all disciplines. It will include separate scoring for performance of activities/demonstration of skills and candidate’s interpretation of the clinical findings.

There will be standardised checklists for the performance of each of the following tasks per OSCE/OSPE station and per discipline. 

  • History taking
  • Physical examination
  • Investigations
  • Diagnosis/differential diagnoses
  • Management/therapeutics
  • Viva / Counselling / patient education / data interpretation
  • Clinical procedures
  • Viva for Community Health


The clinical examination requires candidates to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the examiners, clinical ability at the level of a graduating final year medical student who is about to commence Housemanship training.

Candidates are required to:

  • be familiar with the common and important health promotion strategies, health/medical disorders, prevention strategies and related issues in the Ghanaian/tropical setting and have some awareness of other less common health issues in Ghana and around the world.
  • take a competent history, perform a competent physical examination, arrive at relevant appropriate diagnoses with differentials, order and/or interpret relevant investigations, describe/explain management plans and prescribe appropriate medications safely.
  • be familiar with the indications for, the mechanisms of action, and the adverse effects of, the major therapeutic agents.
  • explain and justify an approach to stated interventions for solving patient problem(s)

Examples of material that could be featured at the OSCE/OSPE stations may include, but will not be limited to:

  • taking detailed relevant history directly from a patient (or simulated patient) with varied complaints [history taking station]
  • taking a history from a third party such as the parent or caregiver of a patient (history taking station)
  • physical examination of a patient (simulated patient or manikin) with varied conditions [examination station]
  • interpretation of a clinical investigation results and data [diagnostic formulation station]
  • educating a patient or parent of a child or other relative of a patient on the use of a medical gadget, explaining the diagnosis or breaking bad news [management/counselling/ education station]
  • counselling a patient with obesity [management/counselling/education station]
  • presenting a management plan for a patient presentation (management/counselling/ education station).

The scenarios used in the assessed stations comprise:

  • a clinical stem of essential information to the candidate about the scenario, which may include investigations, imaging or charts
  • a series of tasks to perform, commonly three to four

Each scenario has a single “predominant assessment area” (namely history, physical examination, diagnosis formulation, or management/ counselling/ education station).  Assessment tasks will be focused on this area but may include other areas. During the ‘reading time’ the candidate evaluates the given information and plans their approach to the assessment phase. They should plan their time, taking into account the number and type of tasks, and take careful note of the time allotted to be guided accordingly. During the ‘assessment time’ the candidate conducts the interaction as required and performs the designated clinical tasks. The clinical tasks include but are not limited to; history taking, physical and mental state examination, investigation planning and interpretation, diagnostic formulation, management planning, prescribing, counselling and performance of procedures. A clinical scenario may test a candidate’s ability in responding to these tasks in various health care settings, including:

  • community or general hospital services
  • regional, district or rural locations
  • any phase of health care: preventative, acute/critical care and continuing care for chronic disorders
  • any patient age group: newborn to elderly
  • direct patient care, care and family interactions or multidisciplinary team interactions.


Candidates shall apply and be registered for the full examination (Stages 1 and 2) as one examination with two stages. If a candidate fails the STAGE 1 (theory component MCQ), and therefore does not qualify to take the OSCE, he/she would have to pay to take the whole examination again to re-sit the examination. 

5.1    Stage 1

  • Candidates should have qualified with a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MB.ChB.) degree or equivalent (e.g. MB. BS., MD etc.) from an institution recognised by the Medical and Dental Council (MDC) of Ghana and the World Medical Association (WMA) and be in possession of a valid certificate and transcript to apply for the medicine examination.
  • Candidates must have qualified with Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree (BDS) or its equivalent (e.g. MB. BS., MD etc.) from an institution recognised by the Medical and Dental Council (MDC) of Ghana and the World Medical Association (WMA) and be in possession of a valid certificate and transcript to apply for the dentistry registration examination.
  • A candidate must obtain a minimum score of 50% in the Stage 1 examination to be eligible to progress to Stage 2 (OSCE).
  • A candidate who passes Stage 1 may hold onto the pass for up to one year within which he or she can take the Stage 2 examination. After the one year maximum grace period the candidate will have to restart the entire process to take both STAGE 1 and STAGE 2 examination.
  • A candidate who scores less than 50% in Stage 1 may retake the examination at the next available opportunity, and at his or her convenience.
  • The maximum number of attempts to take the Stages 1 and 2 examinations is five (5). Please note that a candidate who has exhausted the five (5) attempts is NOT eligible to take subsequent Council’s registration examinations.

5.2    Stage 2

  • A candidate must obtain a score of 50% or more in Stage 1 to be eligible to take the Stage 2 examination.
  • A candidate must obtain a score of 50% or more to pass the Stage 2 examination.
  • An average overall score of 50% of the combined Stage 1 & Stage 2 will constitute a pass in the entire licensure examination, provided the candidate obtains a score of 50% or more in the Stage 2 examination. Passing the STAGE 2 is mandatory requirement to pass the entire examination.
  • A candidate who is eligible to take the Stage 2 examination but does not pass with a score of 50% and above may retake only the Step 2 examination at the next available opportunity at his or her convenience within the next two (2) After the two (2) year maximum grace period the candidate will have to retake Stage 1 and restart the process.
  • The maximum number of attempts to take the Stages 1 and 2 examinations is five (5).
  • Please note that a candidate who has exhausted the five (5) attempts is NOT eligible to take subsequent Council’s registration examinations.


The available dates for the clinical examinations would be regularly communicated / updated on the Council’s website. There are specified examination dates and defined registration closing dates. All final dates for the examinations may be subject to change. In case of any such changes to published examination dates, the MDC will notify candidates well in advance to provide candidates the opportunity to apply for alternative dates.

  • Clinical examinations will be held at designated centers that will be communicated to candidates for each examination.
  • Clinical examinations will be held 2-3 times a year.

Candidates may only register for one clinical examination at a time.  Candidates who have applied and have been scheduled for a clinical examination may not re-apply for another clinical examination until they have received their results from the last scheduled examination. 

PLEASE NOTE AND NOTICE is hereby served that this is a professional examination and as such candidates are expected to conduct themselves with the highest level of professional integrity and conduct and any candidate found to have breached or been in breach of the examination rules and regulations as are from time to time issued by Council would be sanctioned including cancellation of results, suspension from subsequent examinations for a period to be determined by the circumstances of each case, and an outright ban or prohibition from ever taking Council’s registration examinations.

*** END ***


Guidelines for Registration Examinations for Foreign Trained Doctors Application


This document spells out the procedure for applying for the Registration and Licentiate Examination via the online portal. It is important to note that this only forms part of the whole application process and that applicants will be required to present a printed and signed copy of the application at the Medical & Dental Council office to finish their application. The purpose of the online application is to speed up the application process and ensure that all data retained by the Council on provisional applicants are accurate. The entire application process shall be broken into 3 parts in this document:

  1. Fill out the online form for the application
  2. Print the completed form
  3. Submit the form to the MDC head office or regional/zonal offices

Requirements for registration

  1. Diploma(s) Certificate(s) Certified copy each (Originals should be available for inspection)
  2. Transcript
  3. Passport Photograph
  4. CV/Resume
  5. Certificate used in applying for medical school (e.g. WASSCE Results)
  6. Registration Fees – Doctors= US$886 (Cedi Equivalent)

Applies to Foreigners ONLY

  1. Certificate of Good Standing or Current license to Practice   
  2. Residence Permit

Your passport photograph must be:

In colour

  • Taken within the last 6 months to reflect your current appearance
  • Taken in front of a plain white or off-white background
  • Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
  • With a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
  • Taken in clothing (official) that you normally wear

Any picture that does not conform with the above would be rejected

N.B.: All documents in languages other than English should be translated into English


Filling the online form for the application

Follow these steps to complete the online application form

  1. Go to in any web browser to open the application portal
  2. Scroll down to the menu tab labelled “Application for Examination Registration”, and click on the link “Fill the Application Form”
  3. This will open the application form. All fields in the form are required except those marked “Optional”
  4. You are required to upload a passport picture as part of the application. Please do not upload a selfie, full picture, or any kind of picture that you would not submit if making an official application. Your application may be rejected if you do so
  5. You are required to scan and upload copies of your certificate, and all other required documents.
  6. Once you fill in all the fields, click on the “Submit” button.
  7. An email will be sent to you containing a temporary code which you will use to print the form.

Printing the completed form

Once you have submitted the form and received the email containing your temporary code, you will be required to print the form.

  1. Go to in any web browser to open the application portal
  2. Scroll down to the menu tab labelled “Application for Examination Registration”, and click on the link “Edit/Print the Application Form”
  3. In the form that opens, enter your email address and the temporary code that was sent to you upon registration, and click the ‘Submit’ button
  4. If the email and code were correct, your form will be displayed on the screen.
  5. To print, click on the green ‘Print’ button.

Payment and Submission

After printing, the forms (along with copies of your certificate, and referee’s letters) are to be submitted in person to any of these offices:

  • MDC Head Office in Accra
  • Zonal Office in Kumasi
  • Zonal Office in Tamale
  • Zonal Office in Takoradi
  • Zonal Office in Koforidua
  • Zonal Office in Sunyani

You are to make payment into the MDC Ecobank account and present the pay-in slip to either the MDC Head Office in Accra or the Kumasi, Tamale, Takoradi, or Koforidua  Zonal Offices. CASH PAYMENT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 

Bank Account Details:

Account Number: 1441001134216


  • Can I update my application after submitting it? Yes. From the time you first fill out the form to the time you submit the form to the office, you can make as many changes as you need to your application.
    a. To edit, go to the application portal using the link stated above. In the menu section labelled “Application for Examination Registration”, click the link “Edit/Print Application form”
    b. Enter your email address and the temporary code that was generated and sent to your email when you first applied
    c. When the form opens, click on the ‘Edit’ button. Change any of the information as needed, and click the ‘Submit’ button