The Medical and Dental Council is the Statutory Body established by law, under Part II of the Health Professions Regulatory Bodies Act, 2013 (Act 857), to secure in the public interest the highest standards in the Training and Practice of Medicine and Dentistry in Ghana.


The Mandate of the Council is defined by four main strategic areas.  Namely; Standards, Training, Registration and Regulation.


  1. Assess facilities and contents of programmes for the training of doctors and dentists and physician assistants in training institutions;
  2. Ensure that the pre-registration training of newly qualified doctors and dentists and physician assistants in accredited training institutions meets the required standards;
  3. Conduct examinations for the registration of foreign trained medical and dental practitioners and physician assistants;
  4. Compile and keep registers of registered practitioners;
  5. Prescribe and enforce professional standards and conduct for practitioners;
  6. Conduct examinations for the registration of locally trained medical and dental practitioners and physician assistant who do not meet the prescribed conditions for registration; and
  7. Perform any other functions that are ancillary to the object of the Council.


“An Internationally acclaimed Competent, Innovative, and Accountable Regulatory Authority for Medical and Dental Practice in Ghana, for the Public Good”.


The following are the relevant Mission Statements for the four core functional areas or mandates and the administrative support (Secretariat) of the Council:

  • Training

Ensure the highest standards of medical and dental study and training through the setting and enforcing of standards for the training institutions; we define training to include study, education at undergraduate, pre-registration, and postgraduate levels.

  • Standards

Prescribe, develop, and enforce high standards of medical and dental practice that will ensure the safety of the public.

  • Regulation
  • Prescribe and enforce discipline and professionalism in medical and dental practice for practitioners as well as within facilities,
  • Institute evaluation systems that ensure probity and accountability (integrity and honesty) of medical and dental practice.
  • Institute Continuing Professional Development (CPO) programmes as a life-long learning process within medical and dental practice.
  • Registration
  • Ensure credibility of Registers and prompt yearly gazetting of registered medical and dental practitioners.
  • Establish the policy of CPD-based revalidation of registration of practitioners
  • Secretariat

Enhance the number, capacity, and capabilities (knowledge, skills, and abilities [KSAs]) of the Secretariat to provide quality professional support and administration of the activities of the Council.


“Guiding the Professions, Protecting the Public”      


  • Integrity

Provision of honest leadership; we share what we see with our stakeholders.

  • Transparency & Accountability

We commit to take responsibility, be open and accountable for our actions.

  • Excellence

We commit to achieving the highest standards with open-mindedness and a willingness to continuous learning.

  • Fairness

We accord equal respect to all persons and treat them without prejudice.

  • Collaboration & Strategic Partnership

We recognize healthcare as teamwork, so we work with others to support safe, high-quality care for the public good.